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California Private Colleges

California private colleges are also included on our "Beach School" Web pages, and in the "Near Beach" section of Everything-about-College.

As with our other private colleges state pages, we also include local and national "For-profit Colleges" located in California


Academy of Art University,San Francisco

Allied Schools, Career Training Online Schools for Today's Workplace

American Heritage University of Southern California

American Jewish University

American Sports University

Anaheim University, (Online)

Antioch University Los Angeles Apollos University - Onlinr

Argosy University - For Profit, Alameda

Art Center College of Design, Pasadena

The Art Institute of California – San Francisco

Azusa Pacific University


Bethany College, Scotts Valley

Biola University, La MIranda (Seven Satellites)

Brooks Institute, Santa Barbara, Ventura


California Private Colleges, page 3----->

California Private Colleges, page 4, M - R----->

California Private Colleges, page 5, S - Z----->

All California Colleges and Universities

Apply Here: Admissions Sites for all California Public Universities

Admissions Sites for all Public U.S. Colleges and Universitgies

Financial Aid, Main Page


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