Your To-Do List
Print and Live By, Senior Year Calendar of Activities
1. Prepare for last minute (fall) ACT, SAT, SAT II exams, This means every day.
Remember: Study in small bursts, preferably several times of day between now and the beginning of the school year.
2. In your Brag Book:
As you think of them, write down extracurricular, volunteering. And, BTW, since you will be required to do community service for your civics class, now would be a good time to sign up, before all seniors are looking.
Make notes about possible essays topics and themes for the common application topics listed on the application.
3. Study the Common Application page. Print the application and the accompanying pages you need. Read them. Keep the questions in mind, and make notes in your Brag Book.
Application essays, personal statements
Common Application Site - download paper copy
About teacher recommendations, (private schools)
Teacher Recs: Write down names of possible teachers to ask for a rec.(Private schools only.)
The high school will probably give you a sheet of instructions for this process; in the meantime, you can verbally ask your chosen teacher.Ask, before others ask, give the teacher a cover letter than reminds the teacher about your presence in his/jer c;ass.
Be thinking of things to include in the cover letter you will write, reminding that person of your association. For two teachers, for instance, you will want to present each with a different resume of your achievements and experiences with that person.
Contact schools of interest
1. Admissions' email
2. Coaches' email
University of California applications site:
UC open/closed majors
CSU Mentor (Cal State applications)
Continue to volunteer:
If you have not done any volunteering in yor high school career - and that means a meaningful number of hours - it is too late to start now, in your senior year.
If temped to cheat on this information, remember that colleges can, and do, call the contacts listed on your applications to verify your participation.
This requirement is not fulfilled by the senior requirement in many districts of 20 hours of service during the U.S. Government class.
This requirement is important since volunteering is a uniquely American value - it is not practiced in other countries or other cultures in any6 way even close to what we do here, and when it is, the activity is frequently created, managed and run by Americans.
Last year,2016, Americans gave over 340 Billion dollars to charity, and volunteered for hundreds of millions of hours, collectively.
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